About Us

The Foundation is a charity whose charitable objects are to illuminate the relationship between music and health and wellbeing. This is largely done through discovering how to Unlock the Power of Song, through what is called the Giving Voice* Process (GV).

GV is a unique and invaluable resource for life that can be harnessed by individuals 24/7 in virtually any situation. Developed by Jill Rakusen, it’s an educational and self-directed tool that can have a major impact on overall wellbeing and on our relationships – including with ourselves, with music and with the world. It can help us grow, better handle stress, be less controlled by our emotions … and become more at one with the world. Among other things.

The basics of this approach can be grasped quickly and with ease, particularly by people with little or no musical experience or perceived ability. It requires no musical or vocal expertise, and doesn’t even require us to sing.

Press releases

Find a Companion for Life in Jill Rakusen’s book for Challenging Times

June 2023 — (Leeds) — Jill Rakusen, co-author of the classic ' Our Bodies Ourselves', and co-founder of the National Foundation for Giving... read more

14.06.2023 • By National Foundation for Giving Voice
